Participation open to any date, location or type of fishing! Sponsors may choose to arrange their own charter fishing trip any time in June or July, and fishing from any port. All the same event rules apply; participants will be entered into separate prize drawings. Contact us to inquire about options.
Sponsors fishing from Grand Haven are assigned to professional charter boats for a morning of exciting salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. Each boat holds up to six participants, and sponsors can invite family, friends, employees, or customers to fish on their boat. Or, sponsors can choose to donate their boat to young “Patient VIPs” from our beneficiary hospitals. Sponsorships are for one date only; sponsors wishing to participate in multiple charters will need to sponsor each separately. Sponsors may donate one or more boats to patient VIPs, additional donations or gifts of food or prizes are gladly accepted.
Sponsorships must be received no later than two weeks in advance of event date. Boats are chartered and assigned based on paid sponsor request whenever possible, first come first served.
Participants aboard boats may include only paid sponsors and their registered participants OR patient VIPs and their adult chaperones. VIPs are not placed onto boats with sponsor participants.
All participants must register in advance. Paid sponsors will be asked to provide names and contact info for their guest participants, who will be emailed registration forms for return prior to the event.
Grand prizes are awarded for the largest fish in Sponsor and Patient VIP categories. Additional prizes are awarded by drawing, and a fun prize is awarded to the smallest fish of the day. All registered participants of paid sponsors are eligible to win prizes, including employees, members, friends or families of sponsors, beneficiaries, Kiwanis, charters or other organizations or entities. Additional charters are eligible for prizes — available prizes will vary based on donations, some contests may be announced on Facebook and prizes mailed to winners after all charters have taken place.
In case of inclement weather or lake conditions: Our charter captains make the call in the morning if the weather is not suitable for their boat. Unless travel is unsafe, sponsors and participants should come to Chinook Pier—in the event their assigned charter cancels, participants may set up a different day and time to fish with their captain.
Some youngsters (and Families) will spend Christmas in the Hospital. Please support Child and Family Life Services through the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation. You can now make your contribution on line at See MoreSee Less
Sponsor and Donor Info
Participation open to any date, location or type of fishing! Sponsors may choose to arrange their own charter fishing trip any time in June or July, and fishing from any port. All the same event rules apply; participants will be entered into separate prize drawings. Contact us to inquire about options.
Sponsors fishing from Grand Haven are assigned to professional charter boats for a morning of exciting salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. Each boat holds up to six participants, and sponsors can invite family, friends, employees, or customers to fish on their boat. Or, sponsors can choose to donate their boat to young “Patient VIPs” from our beneficiary hospitals. Sponsorships are for one date only; sponsors wishing to participate in multiple charters will need to sponsor each separately. Sponsors may donate one or more boats to patient VIPs, additional donations or gifts of food or prizes are gladly accepted.
Sponsorships must be received no later than two weeks in advance of event date. Boats are chartered and assigned based on paid sponsor request whenever possible, first come first served.
Participants aboard boats may include only paid sponsors and their registered participants OR patient VIPs and their adult chaperones. VIPs are not placed onto boats with sponsor participants.
All participants must register in advance. Paid sponsors will be asked to provide names and contact info for their guest participants, who will be emailed registration forms for return prior to the event.
Grand prizes are awarded for the largest fish in Sponsor and Patient VIP categories. Additional prizes are awarded by drawing, and a fun prize is awarded to the smallest fish of the day. All registered participants of paid sponsors are eligible to win prizes, including employees, members, friends or families of sponsors, beneficiaries, Kiwanis, charters or other organizations or entities. Additional charters are eligible for prizes — available prizes will vary based on donations, some contests may be announced on Facebook and prizes mailed to winners after all charters have taken place.
In case of inclement weather or lake conditions: Our charter captains make the call in the morning if the weather is not suitable for their boat. Unless travel is unsafe, sponsors and participants should come to Chinook Pier—in the event their assigned charter cancels, participants may set up a different day and time to fish with their captain.
CLICK HERE for complete rules
Sponsor Levels
Chinook Sponsor — $5,000
Three boats holding up to 18 participants.
Atlantic Sponsor — $3,500
Two boats holding up to 12 participants.
Coho Sponsor — $2,000
One boat holding up to 6 participants.
Pink Salmon Sponsor — $1,000
Up to 3 participants; no boat choice.
Patient VIP Boat Sponsor — $2,000
For 3 patients and their adult chaperones.
Patient VIP Benefactor — $600
Sponsor 1 patient and adult chaperone.
Recruit a new sponsor and both will receive $200 off their sponsorship fee!
Prize, Giveaway or Food Donations
In-kind donations to the Earl O'Brien Memorial Fishing Derby
Facebook Posts
Some youngsters (and Families) will spend Christmas in the Hospital. Please support Child and Family Life Services through the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation. You can now make your contribution on line at ... See MoreSee Less
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THANK YOU to Michigan District Kiwanians for supporting the Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation Thomas Oliver Holiday Greetings. ... See MoreSee Less
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